Important Announcement

Our store is currently paused and we are not taking online orders at this time while we stock our vendor booth at the Happy Valley Farmer's Market in Happy Valley, Oregon Follow us on Instagram for updates on market dates and notifications when the store goes live for orders again.

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Paper Safari

Quilled artworks inspired by nature

Paper quilling, sometimes known as "paper filigree", is the art of creating complex images from rolled and shaped paper strips. Its earliest origins date back nearly 2000 years to the invention of paper, but it gained widespread popularity in Europe in the late 15th century. Quilling remained popular as a pastime until the 18th century when it nearly died out. The art form has recently seen a resurgence in popularity, utilizing a wide variety of papers and new techniques.

Inspired by nature, these handmade quilled artworks showcase the amazing flora and fauna of our beautiful world, in realistic, whimsical, and Bohemian designs.

Quilled Wall Art

Quilled artworks framed and ready to hang. 

We would love to create a unique artwork for you!

  • Realistic designs

    Designs using natural colorations and patterns

  • Pet Portraits

    Unique, personalized portraits of beloved pets

  • Fanciful designs

    Bohemian or whimsical designs in any color

  • Monograms

    Personalized to fit the personality of the recipient

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Limited commission slots available. Contact us for more information.